Disciplinary Cases Dutch Seafarers Act (Wet zeevarenden) (list of available advocates)
Masters and ship's officers of the Netherlands in Europe and in the Caribbean Netherlands are subject to disciplinary jurisdiction under the Dutch Seafarers Act in respect of any act or omission contrary to their duty as a good seaman towards the persons on board, the ship, the cargo, the environment or shipping traffic. The assistance of an advocate may be helpful for various reasons and at different moments during a disciplinary case. One may think of:
- Formulating an official complaint;
- The hearing of the complainant, and the master or ship's officer concerned during the preliminary investigation;
- The attempt to come to an amicable settlement;
- The submission of a statement of defence by the master or ship's officer concerned;
- Assistance at the hearing
Please click above on the heading Disciplinary Cases Dutch Seafarers Act (Wet zeevarenden) (list of available advocates) to be forwarded to a page with a brief summary of the disciplinary procedure and a list of members of the Dutch Transport Law Association who are admitted to the Dutch Bar Association and who have stated to be willing to assist complainants or masters and ship's officers concerned in disciplinary cases.
CMI Database of Judicial Decisions on International Conventions
On 1 March 2017 CMI in co-operation with the Centre of Maritime Law of the National University of Singapore launched a database for judgments on maritime law conventions which fall within the scope of interest of the CMI. This of course includes the Brussels conventions initiated by CMI itself, but also the relevant conventions from the IMO, Uncitral, Unctad etc. The database aims to continue the work of Professor Francesco Berlingieri over the many years, but with the use of the advantages of modern software. The new system will be fed by a network of correspondents appointed by the national maritime law associations within the CMI family.
The Dutch Transport Law Association is happily engaged in this project as it enables us increase the visibility of Dutch court judgments which are normally published only in the Dutch language (although parties can opt to conduct legal proceedings in English before the Maritime Chamber of the Rotterdam Court). The activities in the Dutch ports in Europe (Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Flushing, Delfzijl) and in the Dutch Caribbean, together with the worldwide dealings of Dutch shipowners, marine contractors, offshore companies and ship yards give rise to interesting judgments in which the courts have had to construe and interpret one or more of the relevant conventions. The Dutch Transport Law Association is happy with the support of the board of editors of the Dutch transport law reports Schip en Schade for allowing the use of their summaries as a basis for the English translations. Since 2015 we can also draw on English summaries prepared by the Maritime Chamber of the Rotterdam Court itself.
Thesis Prize
Since 2021 the NVV awards an annual master thesis prize. The objective of awarding the NVV master thesis prize is to promote the writing of high quality master theses in the area of transport law and to put its authors in the spotlight. The panel of judges consists of mr. Willem Sprenger (chair), prof. mr. Alex Geert Castermans, mr. dr. Ingrid Koning, prof. mr. Jac Rinkes and mr. dr. Viola Sütő. Apart from a money amount the thesis prize consists of publication of the winning thesis on this website. Please click on the heading Thesis Prize above to be linked to the page with the winning thesis since 2021.
K.F. Haak, The Liability of the Carrier under the CMR, The Hague: Stichting Vervoeradres 1986
On 12 december 1984 Krijn Haak received his PhD at the Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht on the defence of the abovementioned dissertation, which was printed by the Stichting Vervoeradres (ISBN 90-9000 772-5). The dissertation was also published in a trade edition (ISBN 90-9000 771-7). In 1986 an English translation of the trade edition was published (ISBN 90-800048-2-0).
The books are still highly sought after as reference material, but ever harder to find. The NVV is therefore very happy that the author and the Stichting have been willing to grant a copyright licence to the NVV and to the University Library of the Erasmus University Rotterdam to make both trade editions available via their respective websites for the purpose of research and education. Both trade edition may be viewed by the following links:
- K.F. Haak, De aansprakelijkheid van de vervoerder ingevolge de CMR, 's-Gravenhage: Stichting Vervoeradres 1984 (Trade Edition ISBN 90-9000 771-7)
- K.F. Haak (translation from the Dutch by J. Wade), The liability of the carrier under the CMR, The Hague: Stichting Vervoeradres 1986 (Trade Edition ISBN 90-800048-2-0)
TRANSPORT – International Transport Law Instruments
Continuation online of the (former) looseleaf publication T. van der Valk & J.E. de Boer (eds.), TRANSPORT - International Transport Treaties, The Hague/Boston: Kluwer Law International (ISBN 90 6544 9035). The online database contains English and French texts of international conventions and standard terms & conditions which are relevant for the practice or research in the area transport law. The documents concerning international conventions contain further information with respect to signatures, ratifications, acceptances, approvals, accessions, reservations and notifications of succession by States or Regional Economic Integration Organizations.
NVZV Mededelingenbladen (Newsletters)
From the end of 1988 up to the end of 1998 the NVZV (the predecessor of the NVV, together with the VPV,) published a printed newsletter called Mededelingenblad modelled after the CMI Newsletter. Via the Mededelingenblad information from the NVZV, the CMI, or from other organisations or institutions regarding maritime and transport law was passed on to the NVV membership. Articles were also published in the newsletter. To allow breathing space for the Tijdschrift voor Vervoer en Recht (TVR) (Journal for Transport and Law) founded in 1996, and because of the rise of the use of e-mail, publication of the Mededelingenblad ceased after 20 issues. In order to prevent the historically interesting material from wasting away in archive box files, it was decided to scan all issues of the Mededelingenblad and make them available on the website.
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