Thesis Prize

Since 2021 the NVV awards an annual master thesis prize. The objective of awarding the NVV master thesis prize is to promote the writing of high quality master theses in the area of transport law and to put its authors in the spotlight. The panel of judges consists of mr. Willem Sprenger (chair), prof. mr. Alex Geert Castermans, mr. dr. Ingrid Koning, prof. mr. Jac Rinkes and mr. dr. Viola Sütő. Apart from a money amount the thesis prize consists of publication of the winning thesis on this website. Below you will find, in reverse chronological order, information about the prize winners and the winning theses since 2021.


The NVV Thesis Prize 2022 was awarded to Ghislainne Meesters (Erasmus Universiteit) for her thesis with the title: 'Compulsory Pilotage in Straits Used for International Navigation. Promoting Safe Navigation and Environmental Protection in the Arctic. How Can a System of Compulsory Ice Pilotage in the Bering Strait Become Legally Feasible?' The prize was presented on 24 November 2022 during the Journée Schadee. Please click here for the text of the winning thesis.

Close runners up were:

Tim Lubbers (Universiteit Leiden) with a thesis titled: 'Jacob Corens Observatio 40: Over de beperkte verhaalsaansprakelijkheid van de reder voor buitencontractuele vorderingen in het Rooms-Hollandse zeerecht'. After writing it, Tim has reworked his thesis into two academic articles in the Legal History Review which are available as (open access) publications via the following two links:
The capture of the Ponte: the development of vicarious liability of shipowners and its limitation in Roman-Dutch law in: Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis / Revue d'histoire du droit / The Legal History Review Volume 90 Issue 1-2 (2022) (
Jacob Coren’s Observatio 40: shipowner liability for inculpable ship collision and its limitation in Roman-Dutch law in: Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis / Revue d'histoire du droit / The Legal History Review Volume 90 Issue 3-4 (2022) ( 

Quirijn Mohr (Universiteit Leiden)  with his thesis entitled: 'Zorgen voor de sporen. Een onderzoek naar de reikwijdte en grondslag van de privaatrechtelijke, buitencontractuele zorgplicht van de Nederlandse spoorwegbeheerder voor de spoorweginfrastructuur ten behoeve van spoorwegondernemingen en weggebruikers op overwegen.' Please click here for Quirijn Mohr's thesis.


De NVV Thesis Prize 2021 was awarded to Cyril Uchenna Amaefule (Erasmus Universiteit) for his thesis with the following title: Cross-border Insolvency of Shipping Companies: Time for Nigeria to Adopt the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-border Involvency. The prize was presented on 23 April 2021 during the Semaine Schadee held online in connection with Covid-19. Please click here for the text of the winning thesis. 


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